
There are numerous benefits to be gained by arranging a well-coordinated exhibition. Meetx has a great deal of experience when it comes to delivering professional and effective exhibitions. As exhibitions and sponsorship are in many cases a prerequisite for being able to put on a congress, Meetx has an excellent range of economical solutions to help your event deliver on every level.

Successful partnerships

Revenue from exhibitors and sponsors is an important source of income for many conferences, and we can help you to establish long-term relationships with organisations and companies.

Sale of exhibitor space and sponsor packages

Meetx has extensive experience of working with sponsors and exhibitors in connection with meetings, conferences and congresses and has excellent solutions to hand that can be tailored to suit each event and its specific needs. We keep up to date with current regulations regarding sponsorship of medical congresses and what is required to ensure your reputation as an attractive event partner.

Coordination of logistics and planning

We produce tailored exhibitor and sponsor packages, create invitations, negotiate with and sign agreements with exhibitors and sponsors, and take care of invoicing. We look after the practical elements of the exhibition, such as manuals, layout, logistics, stand design and construction, and are on hand during the event to ensure everything runs smoothly.